Fort Marlborough Bengkulu

If you happen to be in Bengkulu and enjoy historical attractions, try visiting Fort Marlborough Fortress, located in Segara Bay, Keling Garden, Bengkulu. A little information, this building is a British heritage fort and was built by EIC (East India Company) in 1713. The initial purpose of building this fort was as a British defense point from enemy attacks.
According to the story, Fort Marlborough Fortress is the second strongest fort in the East that Britain has ever built.
After changing hands from the British government to the Netherlands, the Netherlands to Japan, Japan to Indonesia, until it was re-occupied by the Dutch, this fort was finally officially managed by the local Ministry of Education to be restored and made a cultural preserve. If you intend to come here, come between 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. afternoon, because these tourist attractions are only open to the public at these hours.

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