Showing posts from July, 2019

Regional Tourist Places in Aceh

Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam or better known as Aceh is a province at the end of Sumatra Island. This province has extraordinary natural beauty, from the coast to the mountains. After b…

Mount Rinjani Tour

Besides Gili Trawangan, in NTB there is also one other tourist place that is no less popular with tourists, namely Mount Rinjani. This mountain is the second highest volcano in Indonesia. Every …

Gili Trawangan tourism

Besides Bali, another province in Indonesia that is often visited by foreign tourists is West Nusa Tenggara. Understandably, here there are many natural attractions that are no less beautiful an…

Equator Monument Kalimantan

Equator Monument Kalimantan From Java, let's jump to Borneo. In West Kalimantan, precisely the City of Pontianak, there is one tourist spot that is very often visited by tourists, especially o…

Ijen Crater Blue Fire

East Java exoticism does not stop at Mount Bromo and its surroundings, you know. In Banyuwangi there is one interesting tourist spot that is very popular among tourists, namely Ijen Crater. Ijen C…

nusa dua beach

Bali. Who is not remembered by the beauty of this Thousand God Island? His charm is so charming that it makes foreign tourists flock here every year. Well, in Bali there is one tourist spot that…

Derawan Island

In West Kalimantan Province, there is one tourist spot whose beauty is able to attract the attention of local and international tourists. Yes, Derawan Island is the answer. This beautiful island…

Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park

East Java has one tourist charm whose beauty is undeniable, even by tourists from various parts of the world. Yes, what else if not Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park? This tourist attraction in…

Siung Beach

Besides being rich in historical, cultural and culinary tourism, Yogyakarta also has many beautiful tourist attractions that are not inferior to those abroad, one of which is Siung Beach in Gunu…

Karimun Jawa tour

In Central Java Province, precisely in the northern part of Java Island, there is one interesting tourist spot that many tourists refer to as a weekend vacation destination, not only domestic to…

church blenduk the old city of Semarang

Semarang City which is the capital of Central Java Province. Semarang itself is a city that is quite unique because it has a variety of tourist…

Pelabuhan Ratu Beach

Ever heard of the legend of Nyi Roro Kidul? Yes, one of the places that is often cited as the location of the Queen of the South Sea settlement is Pelabuhan Ratu Beach, Sukabumi. Pelabuhan Ratu…

Kawah Putih Ciwidey

Shifting to West Java Province, in Bumi Pasundan, Bandung, there are many tourist attractions with stunning views that you must visit, one of which is Kawah Putih which is located in Ciwidey, Ba…

Thousand Islands

Here there is a tourist attraction called the Thousand Islands National Park which is not only used as a conservation zone, but also a tourist spot. In addition, the Thousand Islands also have m…

Peucang Island

After being satisfied exploring Sumatra's land, let's cross to the south, namely Java. At the westernmost tip of Java Island itself there is an interesting tourist spot that should not b…

Way Kambas National Park

What first appeared in your mind when you heard the word Lampung? The fragrant coffee and the famous elephant breeding? Yes, it is not wrong, Lampung is indeed one of the tourist destinations th…

Parai Tenggiri Beach

Belitung (local people used to call it Belitong) indeed there are many beautiful beaches with large stones scattered on the shoreline, one of which is Parai Tenggiri Beach. Unlike other beaches …

Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin Palembang Museum

Besides being famous for its delicious submarine pempek, Palembang also has many interesting sights to visit, one of which is the Museum of Sult…

Fort Marlborough Bengkulu

If you happen to be in Bengkulu and enjoy historical attractions, try visiting Fort Marlborough Fortress, located in Segara Bay, Keling Garden, Bengkulu. A little information, this building is a…

Muaro Jambi Temple

So far, the two most widely known temples in Indonesia are Prambanan Temple and Borobudur Temple. But did you know that in Jambi there is also the largest Hindu Buddhist temple complex in Indone…

Anambas Islands

In Riau Islands, there is one tourist spot with natural scenery that is so charming and should not be missed when visiting here. Yes, what if it's not the Anambas Islands? Like Raja Ampat, a…

Kampar River with Bono Waves

Ever imagined what it would be like to surf on a river? During this time we do know surfing as a water sport that can only be done on the beach with big waves. If you visit Riau, all the theorie…

Sianok Valley

Now it's time for you to set foot in West Sumatra, precisely in the City of Bukittinggi. Yes, this city with hilly reliefs does have many beautiful sights that you should not miss on your jo…

Lake Toba and Samosir Island

Already familiar with this one tourist spot, the beauty of Lake Toba with Samosir Island in the middle has indeed managed to attract the attention of tourists, not only local tourists, but also …

Sumurtiga Beach

Let's start exploring from the westernmost tip of Indonesia, Sabang. Here there are many interesting tourist attractions that you must visit, one of which is Sumurtiga Beach, located in Saba…

Indonesian Tourist Attractions

Welcome to  Indonesian Tourist Attractions is a blog that provides various information about popular and interesting tourist spots in Indonesia. In addition, Toursiteind…