Mount Sibayak For Climbers and Nature Lovers
North Sumatra has a lot of beautiful and interesting tourism objects. There you can enjoy the beauty of nature that is not inferior to other countries. One of the attractions that you must visit there is, Mount Sibayak.
The density of activities or work that you do everyday often gives a feeling of stress and heavy pressure in your life, therefore vacation is quite important so that you can relax the muscles in your body and enjoy the natural beauty created by the Almighty while fleeing from fatigue a city full of traffic jams and air pollution that can damage health.
North Sumatra is one part of the island of Sumatra that can be a suitable tourist destination, especially if you are looking for natural attractions, because there you can find lots of amazing natural attractions and of course full of challenges including what we will discuss this time, namely Mount Sibayak . For you nature lovers or who like outdoor adventures, mountain climbing activities can be a very suitable choice to spend time on weekends.
Mount Sibayak itself is a tourist attraction whose exact location is in Karo District. In addition to the famous Mount Sinabung on Sumatra Island, Mount Sibayak is no less cool.
The enchanting panorama of Mount Sibayak is unquestionable, the view of the vast forest trees will greet you when you arrive there. Cool air immediately replaces air pollution in urban areas. Every holiday or weekend, many young people who come to conquer this mountain.