Edelweiss flower, Picking this flower is a fine of 100 million


Edelweiss flower

Edelweiss flower, Picking this flower is a fine of 100 million

Javanese edelweiss flowers grow in the mountains of Indonesia. This flower is included in the Asteraceae family and the Composite clan. Edelweis is taken from the German language, namely edel means noble and weiss means white.

The Latin name for Javanese Edelweiss is Javanese Edelweiss, while the scientific name is Anaphalis Javanica. This flower belongs to the type of Leontopodium Alpinum. The edelweiss flower has a branching bush that reaches 8 meters in height. This flower grows at an altitude of 1,600-3,600 meters above sea level (masl). The stem of this plant can grow as big as a human foot.

Edelweiss flowers grow in mountains, such as Mount Semeru in Indonesia and the Alps in Europe. Types of Edelweiss abroad and Indonesia have a different appearance.

This edelweiss flower is found at an altitude of 1,700 to 2,700 meters above sea level. This plant grows in the mountains of Germany, Spain, France, Italy, Switzerland, Bulgaria, Poland, Slovakia, Romania and Austria.

In Indonesia, the Edelweiss garden can be found in Wonokitri Village, Pasuruan, East Java. This flower garden is located at an altitude of 1,900 meters and is still on the same path as Mount Bromo.

Apart from Mount Semeru and Bromo, Edelweiss can be found on Mount Lawu, Mount Rinjani, Mount Pangrango, Mount Gede, Mount Kawi, Mount Papandayan, and the Dieng plateau.

This plant thrives in arid areas and mountainous volcanic soil. Edelweiss flowers will bloom after the rainy season, from April to September. The part of the flower that has bloomed will be visited by hundreds of insects for pollination, such as butterflies, bees, wasps and others.

Prohibition of Picking Edelweiss Flowers

Quoting the Menlhk.go.id page, Article 33 paragraph 1 of the law prohibits picking Edelweiss flowers. Where, law No. 5 1990 concerning the Conservation of Living Natural Resources and Ecosystems, stated that edelweiss flower pickers or pluckers would be subject to a maximum penalty of IDR 100 million.

Prohibition of picking edelweiss flowers because this flower population can be threatened with extinction. Hikers are prohibited from picking wild edelweiss flowers around the mountains. However, climbers can visit national parks and people who cultivate Edelweiss.

Edelweiss, Eternal Flower

It is called an eternal flower because edelweiss flowers bloom for a long time. In addition, this flower is not easy to die or wither. These flowers contain the hormone ethylene to prevent loss of the petals.

Edelweiss can bloom and last up to 10 years. Therefore this flower is called eternal flower. Most of these flowers grow in cold mountainous areas because they have thick hairs.

Quoting from the book The Encyclopedia of Adaptation in Alam Raya written by Ajeng Wind, these thick hairs are useful for dispelling the cold of the mountains. Part of the root symbiosis mutualism with mycorrhizal fungi. This symbiosis is useful for sustaining life in barren lands such as mountain slopes.

Mycorrhizal fungi live in volcanic soils which help Edelweiss roots to spread more widely in the soil. This part of the root gets nutrients and water for plant growth. This mushroom effectively provides nutrients and water for Edelweiss.

The lance-shaped part of the plant leaf that has hairs on the surface. The petiole is about 3 to 20 cm long. Edelweiss leaves are popularly used as a traditional alternative medicine in Indonesia.

The History and Myth of the Edelweiss Flower

This perennial flower is known to have a beautiful color that attracts many people. The white color from Edelweiss inspired many people to become a trend for flower decoration.

The myth of the Edelweiss Flower describes a person's love story. That said, Edelweis became a symbol of true love. This myth develops when someone gives flowers to their lover, their relationship will last forever.

Historically, the Javanese Edelweiss was first discovered on the slopes of Mount Gede, West Java. Quoting from indonesia.go.id, a scientist from Germany named Caspar Georg Karl Reinwardt first discovered this flower. In 1819, the Javanese Edelweiss was further investigated by Carl Heinrich Schultz. Reinwardt found this flower while on a hillside. The research was conducted on Mount Semeru and Merbabu.

Interesting Facts about Edelweiss Flowers

Can grow to a height of up to 4 meters
Edelweiss thrives in the mountains of Java, which can reach 4 meters in length. Quoting from the book 100 Unique Plant Facts, a total of 636 plant stems were recorded in Mount Gede Pangrango National Park in 1988.

This perennial flower can grow up to 10 years. However, Edelweiss is endangered because it was picked several times from 2017 to 2018. Now, the community and government are trying to develop this flower.

Other types of Edelweiss can grow as high as 8 meters above the ground. The stem can reach the size of a human foot which is about 1 meter high.

Customary Needs Section

The Tenggerese preserve Edelweiss on Mount Bromo. The highlands were built by planting seeds and flowers at their homes through self help program. Edelweiss is used in the traditional rituals of the Tengger tribe for generations.

The Tenggerese call this flower a withered tana. The word "tan" comes from Sanskrit which means not, while Layu means withering. This is where the mention of perennial flowers comes from. According to the Tengger tribe, Edelweiss is a symbol of immortality and its value is good for society. Quoting from the pu.go.id website, the people of Tengger hold religious ceremonies such as the Karo, Leliwet, Kasada, Entas-entas ceremonies for Hinduism. Edelweiss is used as a flower offering for the tribe's religious rituals.

Edelweis Preservation

Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park (TNBTS) provided the preservation of Edelweiss flowers, about 15 years ago. This flower is bred in national parks that are spread throughout the mountains.

There are three types of Edelweiss flowers, namely Anaphalis javanica (Javanese Edelweiss), Anaphalis longifolia and Anaphalis viscida.

This flower is also bred in yards and village roadsides. So Wonokitri Village in Tosari District becomes a tourist attraction. The area is a tourist spot for visitors who want to take pictures with Edelweiss flowers.

In addition, farmers also sell dried Edelweiss which is marketed in Indonesia. Edelweiss flowers are beautiful souvenirs and gifts.

Flower cultivation is a community commodity that can be traded to tourists. So that tourists do not carelessly pick wild Edelweiss flowers on the slopes of the mountains.

Healing medicine

Javanese Edelweiss is efficacious as a healing medicine. Flower extracts contain high antioxidants that can cure various diseases. Research conducted with this flower extract found its antimicrobial content to eradicate bacteria, fungi, and anti-inflammation. Flower extract can cure coughs, prevent breast cancer, diphtheria, and tuberculosis.

Appears on National Stamp

In 2003, the Indonesian Post Office printed a stamp design with an Edelweiss flower on it. The stamps are small with a nominal value of IDR 3,000. The stamp design is used as a tribute to the endangered Edelweiss flower.

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